The YRBS R01
EDIT’s YRBS project illuminates and affirms the experiences of sexual minority youth (SMY), especially those living at the intersections of multiply marginalized identities of sex and race/ethnicity.

Our Dataset
YRBS stands for “Youth Risk Behavior Survey”. The YRBS survey is conducted on a local/jurisdictional and national level. Our dataset is a pool of local administrations of the YRBS. While both are biennial surveys, the national YRBS is administered by the CDC, is nationally representative, and contains a much smaller sample size. For the local version of the YRBS, each jurisdiction (state, county, tribal land, or school district) administers the survey independently, and our research staff from our team contact these jurisdictions to pool data to create a large sample size. To visit the CDC's official website on YRBS Click here.
Grant Acknowledgements
Grant Acknowledgements: All YRBS research is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
Our grants are as follows:
R01 AA024409 – Role of Alcohol Disparities in HIV Risk among Sexual Minority Youth

Work With Us
You can find our Guidelines to Collaboration by clicking here.
Meet the Team
Northwestern University
Gregory Phillips II (he/him), PhD, Principal Investigator
Lauren Beach (they/she), JD PhD, Co-Investigator
Michelle Birkett (she/her), PhD, Co-Investigator
Shahin Davoudpour (he/him), PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow
TBA, Postdoctoral Fellow
Scar Winter Kelsey (they/them), M.S., Data Analyst
Ysabel (Bea) Floresca (she/her), Research Assistant
Kay Quiballo (they/them), Data Analyst Associate
Esrea Perez-Bill (she/they), Research Assistant
Caleb Curry (he/they), Intern
Joseph Choi (he/him), Intern
Deborah Levine (she/her), MSW, MAT, Site Principal Investigator
Columbia University
Morgan Philbin (she/her), MHS, PhD, Co-Investigator
George Washington University
Heather Hoffman (she/her), PhD, Consultant

Collaboration Timeline

Please follow both links to their respective REDCap forms. You will need to fill out both in their entirety:
• Collaboration Request Form: Click here
• Data Request Form: Click here
See in-progress projects here.
How long will it take for my proposal to be reviewed?
Please allow for 1-2 weeks to hear back from our YRBS team.
When will calls with the YRBS team be schedule?
The YRBS team meets weekly on Wednesdays from 2-3 pm CST. If this time is not compatible with a collaborators schedule, we will work with you to find a new time to meet.
How far in advance should I submit my proposal forms?
If you have a deadline, please allow for at least 3 months before your deadline. The earlier the submission the better as this our team often works with more than one collaborator at a time.
EDIT’s YRBS project illuminates and affirms the experiences of sexual minority youth (SMY), especially those living at the intersections of multiply marginalized identities of sex and race/ethnicity.
Grant Acknowledgements: All YRBS research is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
Our grants are as follows:
R01 AA024409 – Role of Alcohol Disparities in HIV Risk among Sexual Minority Youth
YRBS stands for “Youth Risk Behavior Survey”. The YRBS survey is conducted on a local/jurisdictional and national level. Our dataset is a pool of local administrations of the YRBS. While both are biennial surveys, the national YRBS is administered by the CDC, is nationally representative, and contains a much smaller sample size (https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/index.htm). For the local version of the YRBS, each jurisdiction (state, county, tribal land, or school district) administers the survey independently, and our research staff from our team contact these jurisdictions to pool data to create a large sample size. Click here.
Northwestern University
Gregory Phillips II (he/him), PhD, Principal Investigator;
Lauren Beach (they/she), JD PhD, Co-Investigator;
Michelle Birkett (she/her), PhD, Co-Investigator;
Shahin (he/him); Postdoctoral Fellow; TBA, Postdoctoral Fellow; TBA, Data Analyst;
Ysabel (Bea) Floresca (she/her), Research Assistant;
Esrea Perez-Bill (she/they), Research Assistant;
Caleb Curry (he/they), Intern;
Joseph Choi (he/him), Intern
Deborah Levine (she/her), MSW, MAT, Site Principal Investigator; Centerlink/Youthlink
Morgan Philbin (she/her), MHS, PhD, Co-Investigator; Columbia University:
Heather Hoffman (she/her), PhD, Consultant, George Washington University
Impact to Science
See publications most up to date here.